To many people all over the country asking “Why should I wear a mask?”
The question is really why would you not? I see a few saying that breathing in a mask will make them sick. Yet not ONE study has shown this to actually be true. Oh sure plenty of YouTube idiots claim it. And we all know that’s some legitimate fucking research right there. I mean Surgeons wear them for hours on end and have for several decades with zero ill effects. Other countries have utilized them in public settings during flu season for many years. Not one of those countries and has residents falling ill from mask use.
“But I have rights”
“Its my freedom to choose not to…”
Most of the people spouting these arguments are the same assholes who have a fit if they see the side of a damn tit while a baby is trying to eat. Because for decency sake lets cover the tiny infants head with a cloth. (Which actually isn’t really safe because infants actually don’t have solid enough breathing capacity to be covered for long periods) But no… their own adult asses it will practically kill. Yet all over the country to appease the masses poor little newborns are being covered while attempting to eat and that’s perfectly acceptable. I guess they don’t have freedom though.
My take is, so what if it might not help. You dumbasses can’t prove it won’t. Its definitely not harming you. Evidence in other countries shows it is helping there, so WHY THE HELL would I NOT try to help do my part? WHY THE HELL AREN”T YOU??!!??
I’ve already been hit with - but your opinion doesn’t count because you sell masks… I also provide links to the free pattern and will be adding more resource information and provide as I can get the information put together links for sourcing materials and tutorials for the modifications I have made. WHY?? Because I know not everyone can buy one and many need to utilize items they can upcycle at home to make what they need and I want to see EVERY FACE COVERED! I offer them for sale because some people would rather have someone else make them for them. The service was requested by people who choose to buy not make. Please if you can and want to make your own utilize the resources!
Don’t be an asshole. Don’t be that person who puts your own convenience and your own personal need to push back at anything you think is trying to control you in some way ahead of someone’s LIFE.
FYI your freedom ends where it imposes on someone else’s right to life. A mask is a simple easy way to help respect others around you.